Neurodiversity forum
An open forum discussion on better supporting Neurodivergent people at arts events and workshops.
This discussion, held at Open School East in 2019, asked the question, “how can we improve the experience of Neurodivergent people at OSE?”
This event was open to all Neurodivergent (ND) identifying people as well as Neurotypical (NT) people. It was facilitated by myself and Connor Sansby.
On arrival, guests were given a name tag to write their name on, as well as their ND or NT status if they felt comfortable doing so.
We also used stickers and a traffic light system to regulate social interactions:
• Green meaning “I am happy to chat to anyone”
• Yellow meaning “I would prefer to only talk to people I already know”
• Red meaning “I would prefer not to talk to people”
The findings of the forum influenced Open School East’s policies moving forward.