More about me...

Music and Me

I’ve been experimenting with music and sound for as long as I, or anyone else in my life, can remember. 

My Grandparents often like to remind me of how I would bash away at the keys of my small Casio keyboard for hours on end, before I was even able to string a full sentence together. 

I remember sitting in my living room as a toddler, recording my own radio talk shows on a Fisher Price tape recorder—humming the theme tunes and playing the parts of both host and guests—before I could even tie my own shoelaces. 

I recall receiving my first (child-sized) electric guitar on my fifth birthday, and being more interested in how it was put together and the strange sounds it could produce than learning how to play it ‘properly’—which inevitably led to it falling into disrepair relatively quickly, and myself not touching a (6 string) guitar again for another ten or so years. 

I spent my early teenage years playing bass in terrible punk bands. We performed in a local talent show once and came dead last. 

At fifteen years old I received my first laptop and MIDI keyboard, and my household was connected to the internet for the first time. My eyes and ears were opened to the compositional possibilities offered by music technology. 

I’ve spent the 15+ years since then further exploring and pushing myself—experimenting with all manner of styles, techniques and genres. 

Sound was my first friend—my best friend—and we still play together to this day.

Something more personal

Let’s get something out of the way…

I’m Autistic! (and proud)


I’m also committed to anti racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism of all kinds.
I will not work with bigots.


If you choose to work with me you can expect:

  • Very clear and prompt communication
  • Commitment to schedules and deadlines
  • High attention to detail
  • Extreme focus
  • Passion and dedication
  • High quality work and professionalism at all times

I only expect the same in return.